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Prior Learning Assessment

Prior Learning Assessement

你知道你可以通过非大学或经验获得大学学分吗 learning?
先前学习评估(PLA)学分授予大学水平的学习: skills and competencies. PLA includes skills gained from work and life experiences such as:

  • Correspondence and extension courses
  • Individual study and reading
  • Civic, community and volunteer work
  • 参加由协会主办的正式课程和在职培训; business, government and industry.

特立尼达州立学院将接受校内和校外的转学 其他国家高等学校先行学习考核学分授予 for GT Pathways requirements. Trinidad State will not prohibit students from meeting 通识教育/GT衔接课程要求和先前的学习评估学分.

Standards for awarding PLA credit:

  • 如符合下列标准,可获解放军学分:
       o You have been admitted to TSC
       o You have declared a degree or certificate
         (更改已申报的学位或证书将导致重新评估 of the applicability of PLA credit)
       o Your prior learning is equivalent to college level
  • 解放军学分只适用于你申报的学位所要求的课程和学分 or certificate.
  • PLA credit may satisfy course prerequisite requirements
  • 解放军学分不能用于满足TSC学位或证书居住要求*
  • 所有被评定为解放军学分的工作必须达到或超过“C”级
  • PLA credit cannot duplicate any previously-awarded credit
  • 解放军学分在成绩单上特别注明,并被视为转学 coursework (and not institutional coursework):
       o PLA credit noted on your transcript will have a grade of ‘PLA’
       o如果解放军的信用评估确定先前的学习不保证 授予学分,或者如果没有通过标准化/机构考试, the PLA credit does not appear on your transcript
  • 解放军学分不包括在学期注册的学分中 经济援助,退伍军人福利或任何其他基于总工作时间的目的 of enrollment for a given semester

PLA credit may be earned through a combination of the following:

  •  National Standardized Placement Tests

    You may earn college credit through certain standardized testing. Upon receiving a satisfactory score, you may earn college credit.
    These tests include the following:

    • CLEP Exams:
      CLEP(大学水平考试计划)给任何年龄的学生机会 通过本科考试项目展示大学水平的成绩 college courses. Additional essay no longer required.
    • DSST Exams:
      DSST exams are available in a variety of subjects. Previously just available to those 在军队中,自2006年起,DSST考试对在家学习的成人学习者开放 students and military veterans as a way to earn college credits.
    • UExcel Excelsior College Exams:
      UExcel考试提供多种科目,并为学生提供机会 to earn college credit by exam.
    • AP (Advanced Placement) Exams:
      AP考试通常是学生完成AP课程的最后一部分 while in high school.
    • IB (International Baccalaureate) Exams:
      IB考试是在学生参加IB课程结束时进行的 high school.

    有关世界杯滚球接受的考试类型的更多帮助,请 contact the TSC Registrar at 719.846.5550.

    To schedule a CLEP exam, please contact the /testing/index.html.

    如果你在其他地方参加了这些标准化考试,请安排官方考试 成绩单/成绩报告,并将其发送给TSJC进行评估: Attention: Registrar, 600 Prospect, Trinidad, CO 81082.
    View a list of accepted scores for:

    • CLEP Exams
    • DSST Exams
    • UExcel Excelsior College Exams
    • AP (Advanced Placement) Exams
    • IB (International Baccalaureate) Exams

    TSC will designate equivalent courses for CLEP and DSST exams or a generic transfer equivalency if credits are not available.

  • Institutional Challenge Examinations

    Institutional Challenge Exams are faculty-developed tests. They assess your mastery of the competencies for the TSC course being taught. For more information about Institutional Challenge Exams, please contact the TSC Registrar at 719.846.5550.

    Institutional Challenge Exams are the way TSC abides by Colorado Revised Statutes 23-1-125 该法案要求公立高等教育机构为学生提供一种选择 for testing out of core courses.


    Challenge Exam:


    Charge / credit

















  • Published Guides (including military)

    出版的指南包含由信誉良好的第三方组织提出的信用建议 for certain trainings and / or credentials.  Approved published guides include the 美国教育委员会(ACE),国家工作场所大学学分指南 培训,ACE军事指南,和国家大学信用推荐服务 (NCCRS).

    Additionally, credit for learning gained in the U.S. military (if applicable to a 学生在TSC申报的学位或证书通常基于以下条件转移 在联合服务成绩单(JST)上找到的ACE学分建议 former Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Navy personnel. Air Force personnel will 他们的信用记录在空军社区学院(CCAF)成绩单上吗.

    为了评估可能的学分,你应该订购你的官方成绩单 提供商(JST, CCAF)或第三方组织(ACE, NCCRS等).) and have it 由发行机构直接寄给TSC进行评估:特立尼达国家 College, Attention: Registrar, 600 Prospect, Trinidad, CO 81082.

  • Portfolio Assessment

    通过工作和终身学习获得的知识和技能可以进行评估 and validated through a formal portfolio assessment process.

    任何由一个机构基于组合审查授予的GT衔接学分应 被接受转学,并适用于世界杯滚球GT课程的要求.

    有关投资组合评估的更多信息,请联系TSC注册官, 719.846.5550.




    Charge / credit

















  • Faculty Evaluated Industry & Workplace Credit

    TSC可以评估获得行业认证的非大学教学项目, 专业执照,学徒完成,和其他工作场所的技能发展. 教师学科专家将评估先前的学习,并确定是否 learning warrants the awarding of credit.

    • Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)
    • National Registry of EMT (NREMT)

    有关这类非大学教学评估的更多信息 please contact the TSC Registrar, 719.846.5550. You may also take the Colorado Prior Learning Questionnaire to see if you may be eligible for credit for your experience


    高等学校:一所国家高等教育机构,招收持有下列证书的学生为大三学生 文科副学士学位、应用科学副学士学位或理科副学士学位 作为全州学位转移协议的主题的学位不需要 学生必须修满任何额外的学分以达到通识教育的要求.

    TSC允许转学生完成学校的两门英语写作课程 sequence with GT-CO1 and GT-CO2 credit. Additionally, TSC permits transfer students 满足该机构两门课程的英语写作顺序,并获得解放军学分.

*您可以使用先前学习评估来完成所有学位/证书的毕业 requirements except for the mandatory residency requirements.