

现在给图像和链接The 基金会 is dedicated to creating lifelong relationships with people who care 世界杯滚球特立尼达岛. We are grateful to all who support our students—a profound spirit of respect guides these and every fundraising conversation we share. 谢谢你,永远感谢你。 感谢你们对特立尼达国的信任.

There are many ways to support Trinidad State, both now and in the future. 最好的 options will always be those that make the most sense for you.

As you consider ideas for how you might give back, we hope you will consider the 基金会 一个资源. Whether you’re hoping to strengthen Trinidad State with a current gift or remember us in your estate plan, we can help you explore your options.

In all conversations, please know there will never be any expectation or obligation 完成任何礼物. 这是我们对你的承诺. 我们的目标只是帮助你创造 任何积极的影响都是适合你的.

请随时联系Toni DeAngelis 托尼.deangelis@sandybb.net 或者719-846-5520有任何问题.


There are a variety of ways to make an immediate philanthropic impact on students 在特立尼达州. The right option is always the one that works best for you.

For many people, making an annual cash donation or pledge is a great option. 这是 simple and allows you to support Trinidad State at whatever level is appropriate. All donations are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

A great way to maximize your support is through a matching gift. 请查看 if your employer (or spouse’s employer) matches employee donations to qualified nonprofit 像TSC基金会这样的组织. 有些雇主甚至雇佣两倍或三倍的员工 礼物.

Some people prefer to preserve available cash balances, seeking other options when 捐款. The most common example is a gift of appreciated securities – stocks, 债券或共同基金股份. This option has two major advantages: (1) it can provide the donor with an immediate income tax deduction and (2) it can eliminate any capital 证券最终出售时的利得税. 有关礼品的更多信息 或索取我们的经纪资料, 请与基金会办公室联系.

70岁的人.5 and above, another option is to make a gift directly from your 爱尔兰共和军.  This option is attractive for people who no longer itemize deductions or would 喜欢在不减少手头可用现金的情况下捐款.  如果你到了一定年龄 73, a QCD has the added benefit of counting toward your annual Required Minimum Distribution.  To learn more—or to request a blank instruction letter than you can use with your 爱尔兰共和军保管人 请与基金会联络.

Another alternative to a cash donation is a gift of appreciated real estate. 礼物 of residential, commercial or agricultural property can make an important impact on our students, pending their appropriate review by TSC 基金会. 感激的礼物 real estate have two major advantages: (1) it can provide the donor with an immediate income tax deduction and (2) it can eliminate any capital gains tax when the real 地产最终被出售. Please contact us during the early stages of your planning.

The TSC 基金会 accepts equipment that can be used by the 大学 or quickly sold. Please contact the 基金会 Office if you would like to explore a potential gift 的设备.

This option includes works of art, rare books, antiques and vehicles, among other 项目或收藏. Please contact the 基金会 office early in your consideration 个人财产的潜在赠与. 另外,请知道最后的决定 retain or sell the donated property rests with the 基金会’s Board of Directors.


礼物 from wills, trusts and retirement accounts are crucial investments in the future of Trinidad State, providing an opportunity for alumni and friends to create a lasting 以造福我们所服务的学生. 这些礼物可以被永久指定 endowed scholarship/program fund or directed toward their ‘highest and best’ use—it’s 你的选择. 1925年协会表彰那些做出这些礼物的人.

特立尼达国家照片 慈善捐款
You can include a future gift in your Will or Living Trust, naming TSC 基金会 获得你的遗产或特定资产的一部分. 这个选项是高度灵活的 you to prioritize friends 和所爱的人 as needed, balancing your desire to support 特立尼达岛与其他财政优先事项.

You can create a future gift by naming TSC 基金会 to receive a portion of your 爱尔兰共和军,公司退休计划,或人寿保险单. 这个选项非常灵活——你 determine the appropriate percentages to leave for Trinidad State and your friends 和所爱的人. This gift is as simple as updating your named beneficiaries.

This option allows you to donate a portion of the funds from a bank (or credit union) account to TSC 基金会 with a POD option at your bank. 这个方法简单,不贵, 在你的一生中灵活地适应不断变化的需求.

This option allows you to donate a portion of the securities held in a brokerage or 投资账户到TSC基金会. 这种方法简单、便宜、灵活 一生中不断变化的需求.

A charitable remainder trust can provide powerful financial, tax, and estate planning 好处. You donate assets into trust for the eventual benefit of Trinidad State. In the interim, the trust pays income to you and/or your designated income beneficiaries.

A charitable lead trust can provide support to Trinidad State for a defined period of time, before returning the donated assets to you or (alternatively) passing them 传给你的继承人. In the right situation, a charitable lead trust can be a powerful 收入和/或遗产规划选项.

You can donate future ownership of a residence or farm to TSC 基金会, while retaining 一生充分利用你的财产.

Whether making a current gift or one through your estate, it’s always important to 与你的专业顾问讨论你的选择. 他们可以帮你挑选礼物 strategies that both protect you against future uncertainties and maximize any potential 税收优惠. Please know the 基金会 Office is happy to support these conversations 无论如何,这都是有帮助的.

欲了解更多信息,请 请与基金会联络.

The 基金会's mission is to support the growth and development of Trinidad State 大学.